As a futurist, I am thinking about the development of artificial intelligence every day.
The most popular technology is also the most complex, ubiquitous, difficult to monitor, regulate and control. The development of machine learning implementation has "self life" beyond the scope of any company, state or academic institution.
Driven by capitalism and innovation mechanisms, artificial intelligence is a Trojan horse that can help each other, enhance, automate, and weaponize humans.
This is both exciting and frightening and inevitable. But what exactly is it?
In this article, we'll explore what 2019 Year might mean. Algorithms are ubiquitous in 2019 years, but AI is still stupid, just a pipeline, and the integration of AI in the cloud is basic. Deep learning is still in its infancy, and robotics is still primitive.
1. China Smart Speaker Scale
2019 years,ChugokuAdoption and sales in the mainstream are generally considered to be voice AI interfaces for smart speakersTake over the United States. This is of great significance to how companies such as Alibaba, Baidu and Xiaomi can expand their influence. China's smart speaker shipments increased by 2019% in the first quarter of 500, surpassing the US, with a market share of 51%.
2. Enterprises adopt artificial intelligence strategy is bullish
Cloud computing leaders are adopting more artificial intelligence-centric tools and capabilities that companies are adopting, piloting and planning more tests than ever before. 73% of senior executives see artificial intelligence/machine learning and automation as areas where they want to maintain or increase their investment.
China will soon surpass the United States in academic AI papers
According to the Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence, by the time of 2020, there may be more pre-10% papers in China. By 2025, the number of papers in China will exceed the former 1% of the United States. Enough, this is done by modeling the current forecast.
4. AI Powered Chips are revival
AI Powered Chips is being developed by more companies including mainstream FAANG. This means that the next generation of AI chips is coming soon.
Artificial intelligence is becoming more implicated in network security
Deploying AI for network security solutions is becoming more and more useful, helping to protect organizations from existing cyber threats and helping to identify newer types of malware. In addition, artificial intelligence-based network security systems ensure effective security standards and help create better prevention and recovery strategies.
6. Artificial intelligence will trigger damage to traditional industries
With the development of autonomous vehicles, they have greatly reduced the demand for human workers in some of our most common occupations. For example, according toCNBCReport, Goldman Sachs is expectedAutomated driving cars will cause 25,000 truck drivers to lose their jobs every month. According to 2017's forecast, truck drivers will see more unemployment than buses or taxi drivers.
For example, Nvidia recently announcedCooperate with the autopilot version of Volvo Commercial Trucks. In addition to the automotive industry, there are at least a dozen self-driving truck startups, including Tesla, TuSimple, Waymo, Embark, Ike Daimler, Einride and others.
7. Ad-free brick and mortar retail, AmazonGo style
Amazon and many similar technologies have also added a more automated physical retail store, gradually eliminating thousands of cashiers and retailers, transforming the retail industry into a more people-oriented, non-people-oriented field. For reference, as of the middle of 2019, only the 11 home AmazonGo store was in operation.
8. Trust in artificial intelligence is surpassing many human institutions
In an era when we don’t trust the government, politicians, Silicon Valley, social platforms, and media as we did before – one thing we will actually trust more is artificial intelligence. This is because AI will be designed to be human-centric and help us in all aspects of our lives. Therefore, companies like Amazon that can provide us with consumer satisfaction, convenience and AI should be highly trusted by consumers.
The evolution of the 9. open source framework
CBInsightsDiscussed how open source is constantly evolving. In practice, I think this is because open source software, artificial intelligence entry barriers are lower than ever.
Remember that when Google opened its TensorFlow machine learning library in 2015 year, the main technical staff also followed suit? Many open source tools are available for developers to choose from, including Keras, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, and Apache MXNet. Young software engineers are adopting new open source frameworks to quickly track how they build the next world.
10. Facial recognition is becoming mainstream
Regardless of your perception of the monitoring mechanism, the widespread use of facial recognition is becoming more common, especially in China, where many of the top startups in the field are located.
Although facial recognition has been challenged by the public in the West, in China, it faces Megvii, Sense Time, Alibaba and others and how they integrate with the school's government surveillance system.
IoT maturity of 11. edge computing layer
The Internet of Things will take decades to mature. But there is already a promising intersection. In 2019, AI encountered the Internet of Things at the edge computing layer. Most models trained in the public cloud will be deployed at the edge. For example, the Industrial IoT is the best use case for artificial intelligence, performing anomaly detection, root cause analysis, and predictive maintenance of equipment.
The Internet of Things will become one of the biggest drivers of artificial intelligence in the enterprise. Edge devices will be equipped withFPGA和ASICSpecial AI chip.
12. Military Automation and Artificial Intelligence
In 2019, artificial intelligence played an important role in machine learning guided military and killer drones.Maven project is completelyIt’s about Google’s AI for military drones, but it’s just a superficial problem. Decisions are being made regarding military operations and integration with artificial intelligence and killer robots, which will have significant automation aspects that will bring many ethical issues and risks.
The impact of 13. AI on the future of automation and work
In 10 years, 20-30% of the jobs will be "super jobs", 10-20% will be low-wage, low-skill jobs, and 60-70% of the jobs will be "mixed jobs" that require technical and software skills.This means that artificial intelligence can not only affect repetitive grumbling work, but also white-collar jobs, eliminating many tasks, reducing demand in multiple fields, and helping other occupations that may have major skills shortages.
It is doubtful that such a wave of artificial intelligence has affected so many industries that will lead to major jobs in the 2030 era and 2040 era. However, serious reports in this regard will cause millions of people to lose their jobs.
14. In the 2020 election, artificial intelligence will become an important topic.
When machine learning is seen as raising global GDP and productivity and keeping jobs away from US citizens, artificial intelligence can affect the economy and many other issues, and regulate FAANG, and even make BigTech a less monopolistic entity in many democratic systems. A candidate for the 2020 presidential election on the table.
This means that topics such as artificial intelligence and even basic income (free dividends) are becoming mainstream topics in the future debates of capitalism, the economy and the middle class.
15. Business value and return on investment from artificial intelligence will grow exponentially
20世纪20年代基本上是人工智能炒作的十年。人工智能的商业价值在2018年达到全球1.2万亿美元,到2022年将增长到3.9万亿美元(GartNer),for example. This means that artificial intelligence in healthcare, retail, transportation, logistics, education and many other areas has created new companies that can become powerful companies in the future.
This list can easily contain more than 30 comments. But I write artificial intelligence many times a week.
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